
【Coffee enema : is an efficient, natural and inexpensive method to detoxify our body.】

   Coffee enema is an efficient, natural and     

    inexpensive method to detoxify our body.

              Coffee enema has the capacity to stimulate the liver to hurry within the detoxification.  Coffee Enema is among the ways to cleansed colon by enhancing constipation and fecal impaction.
Coffee enema is really a method of presenting water made up of coffee in the rectum.  It can stimulate the liver to hurry in the detoxification.  It has become the approaches to cleansed colon by increasing constipation and fecal impaction.  It is just one of Gerson treatments created by Dr. Max Gerson about 70 years back.  Coffee enema is the best assist in elimination of the liver’s toxic wastes.
Coffee enema includes a quite particular objective within the treatment and reversal of degenerative diseases.  It’s got no verified advantage and holds significant chance of provoking unwanted problems.  Coffee enema guidelines usually recommend those people who are prepared to consider using a house coffee enema to try to offer the alternative for a few moments.  Coffee enema can raises the poisonous removal actions done by the liver since caffeine is definitely a good liver stimulator.
Coffee enema is well known to a lot of men and women nowadays as increasing numbers of people are choosing coffee in enemas for detoxification from the body.  The coffee enema is capable of doing getting rid of circulating toxins and partial metabolites personally particular cause, which is the coffee enema not merely dilates bile ducts – which Gerson knew – now that we know, in the work of Wattenberg, Sparnins, and Lam for the University of Minnesota, Department of Pathology, Minneapolis, that coffee stimulates an enzyme system within the liver, glutathione-S-transferase, that can perform getting rid of a huge number of electrophiles from your bloodstream.
The coffee enema will be the only pharmaceutically efficient choleretic within the medical literature that’s repeatable often daily; choleretic, like diuretic. Diuretics cause urination.  Whenever a coffee enema can be used, the caffeine from your coffee is preferentially absorbed into this system and goes straight away to the liver where it will become an extremely strong detoxicant.  Although coffee enema isn’t a popular body detoxification method, it has been available since 1917 and was started by Dr. Max Gerson.  Typically after coffee enema treatment you’ll feel refresh and energetic based on a few of the coffee enema practitioners.  Previous to conducting a coffee enema, please make sure to do the right research and learn about you are able to concerning the risks of enema cleansing, especially using coffee.

Basic Coffee Enema Procedure and Recipe | H.S.K HealthCare

The very last part of the colon, before reaching the rectum, is in an "S" shape and called the sigmoid colon. By the time stool gets to this part of the colon, most nutrients have been absorbed back into the bloodstream. Because the stool contains products of putrefaction at this point, there exists a special circulatory system between the sigmoid colon and the liver. There is a direct communication of veins called the enterohepatic circulation. Have you ever felt sick just before having a bowel movement, when stool material has just moved into the rectum for elimination? As soon as the material is evacuated, you no longer feel sick. This is due of the toxic quality of the material and the enterohepatic circulation coming into play. Because of this, it is important to evacuate when you have the urge. The rectum should usually be empty.

This circulatory system enables toxin to be sent directly to the liver for detoxification, rather than circulating them through the rest of the body and all of its vital organs including the brain. This system of veins carries rectal / sigmoid toxins directly to the liver for detoxification.
When a coffee enema is used, the caffeine from the coffee is preferentially absorbed into this system and goes directly to the liver where it becomes a very strong detoxicant. It causes the liver to produce more bile (which contains processed toxins) and moves bile out toward the small intestine for elimination. This seems to free up the liver to process more incoming toxic materials that have accumulated in the organs, tissues and bloodstream. The coffee does not go into the systemic circulation, unless the enema procedure is done improperly.
The coffee contains some alkaloids that also stimulate the production of glutathione-S-transferase, an enzyme used by the liver to make the detox pathways run. It is pivotal in the formation of more glutathione, one of the main conjugation chemicals, enabling toxins to be eliminated via bile into the small intestine. So in other words, a coffee enema speeds up the detoxification process and minimizes the backlog of yet to be detoxified substances. You will need the following materials:

An enema bag or bucket, preferably one of clear plastic that you can see through
A large stainless steel cooking pot
Organic coffee fully caffeinated, drip grind coffee
A source of uncontaminated water. Chlorinated water should be boiled for 10 minutes

The see through enema bag/ bucket is preferable, but an old fashioned type that doubles as a hot water bottle can be used although it is hard to tell how much is used at each pass. Do not use any bag with a strong odor.

Put a little over 1 quart of clean water in a pan and bring it to a boil. Add 2 flat tablespoons of coffee (or the coffee amount that has been prescribed for you). Let it continue to boil for five minutes, then turn the stove off, leaving the pan on the hot burner.
Allow it to cool down to a very comfortable, tepid temperature. Test with your finger. It should be the same temperature as a baby's bottle. It's safer to have it too cold than too warm; never use it hot or steaming; body temperature is good.
Next, carry your pan or pot and lay an old towel on the floor (or your bed if you are careful and know you won't spill - for safety, a piece of plastic can be placed under the towel). If you don't use an old towel, you will soon have many old towels since coffee stains permanently. Use another bunch of towels, if you want, as a pillow and bring along some appropriately relaxing literature. Pour the coffee from the pan into the enema bucket without getting the coffee grounds in the cup. You may prefer to use an intermediate container with a pour spout when going from the pan to the enema bucket. Do not use a paper filter to strain the grounds. Put your enema bag in the sink with the catheter clamped closed.
Pour the coffee into the enema bag. Loosen the clamp to allow the coffee to run out to the end of the catheter tip and re-clamp the bag when all the air has been removed from the enema tubing.
Use a coat hanger to hang the enema bag at least two feet above the floor; on a door knob or towel rack. The bucket can rest on a chair, shelf or be held. Do not hang it high, as on a shower head, because it will be too forceful and the hose won't reach. It should flow very gently into the rectum and distal sigmoid colon only. It is not a high enema or colonic. Allowing it to go well up into the colon may introduce caffeine into the general circulation as though you had taken it by mouth.
Lie down on the floor on your back or right side and gently insert the catheter. If you need lubrication, food grade vegetable oil such as olive oil, a vitamin E capsule, or KY jelly should be fine, unless you are chemically sensitive. It is generally a good idea to avoid petroleum products.
Gently insert the tube into the rectum a few inches and then release the clamp and let the first 1/2 of the quart (2 cups maximum) of coffee flow in. Clamp the tubing off as soon as there is the slightest amount of discomfort or fullness. Do not change positions or use an incline board to cause the enema to enter further into the colon; this defeats the purpose of this type of enema.
Try to retain the enema for a minimum of 12 or more minutes. Sometimes there will be an immediate urgency to get rid of it and that is fine. It helps to clean the stool out of the colon so that next time around you can hold more of the enema longer. Never force yourself to retain it if you feel that you can't. When you have clamped the tubing, remove the catheter tip and void when you have to. It is best to hold it for at least 12 minutes each time. After you have emptied the bowel, proceed with the remaining 1/2 quart and likewise hold that for at least 12 minutes, if able, then void.
 The goal is to have two enemas, not exceeding 1/2 a quart (2 cups) each, that you are able to hold for 12 to 15 minutes each. Usually 2 or 3 times will use up all of the enema, but that is not your goal. Being able to hold it for 12 to 15 minutes is. When you have finished your session, rinse out the bag and hang it up to dry. Periodically run boiling water, peroxide, or other comparable antimicrobial agent through the empty bag to discourage mold growth when not in use.
If you feel wired or hyper, or have palpitations or irregular heartbeats after a coffee enema, you should reduce the amount of coffee, usually by half for a few days or weeks. Or consider that you really need organic coffee. Be sure the source of your water is good clean chemical-free spring, well, or filtered water.
Sometimes you will hear or feel a squirting out and emptying of the gallbladder. This occurs under the right rib cage, or sometimes more closely to the mid line. If after a week of daily enemas you have never felt or heard the gall bladder release, You should consider making the coffee stronger, going up in 1/2 Tablespoon increments per quart, not exceeding 2 Tablespoon per cup. Alternately, you may need a slightly larger volume, such as 3 cups at a time. Sometimes, 3 enemas (2 cups or less each) rather than two at a session are more beneficial for some.
Always discontinue the enemas if there is any adverse reaction whatsoever, and discuss it with the doctor at your next appointment. If you find the enema helpful, do not use it more than once per day for any extended period without medical supervision. Use it as necessary, perhaps several days in a row, but more commonly a few times a week.

【正壓式腸道清洗器- 潔腸儀,也稱為腸道清洗儀,用於咖啡灌腸】上善若水

  正壓式咖啡灌腸清洗器 - 让肠道更清洁更干净!Tel:+86-755-25115581  13570880178

   上善若水-正壓式腸道清洗器潔腸儀,也稱為腸道清洗儀,咖啡灌腸儀等,是一種清潔人體腸道宿便,通過物理療法清除腸道疾病、解決便秘等保護人體健康的一種簡單有效治療保健方法 ...
咖啡灌腸法-紐約式大腸淨腸法,「遠離疾病的生活.亞健康醫療設備整體解決 ...
4.咖啡中的酸會刺激肛門的皮膚,可能會使痔瘡惡化,或引起裂痔、脫肛、肛門炎等。因此在灌腸結束之後,建議將沾了肥皂的手指伸入肛門內約2~ 3,再以溫水清洗,擦拭乾淨後於肛門部位塗抹凡士林,以預防痔瘡的發生。   
   有機咖啡豆10公克(約咖啡專用匙1.5匙),現磨成粉備用   微鹼性的好水1000毫升   
  沒有體力或身體不好的人:若體力不好、身體虛弱的人,進行灌腸後會急速排便,可能引起體內鈉或鉀等礦物質的平衡失調,進而引起貧血現象。   痔瘡出血患者:咖啡灌腸液中的酸會刺激肛門皮膚,可能會使痔瘡惡化。因此,直腸有出血性傷口的人也不適合。   孕婦:孕婦不宜進行咖啡灌腸,尤其在懷孕初期更是禁忌,過於刺激腸道可能引起子宮異常收縮。   小孩及失去意識的人:十歲以下的小孩除非有嚴重便秘,以及臥床、失去意識的患者或老年人皆不適合。   罹患嚴重腸胃疾病的人:患有大小腸疾病的患者,最好先請教胃腸專科醫師之後再進行。 
給“腸子”洗個澡~! 用於咖啡灌腸

【身體保健小秘密-咖啡灌腸(Coffee Enema)-正壓式咖啡灌腸清洗器】

咖啡灌腸法排毒,如何咖啡灌腸,不生病的生活咖啡灌腸,咖啡灌腸 哪裡買,咖啡灌腸用具,咖啡灌腸做法,咖啡灌腸器,如何咖啡灌腸,新谷弘實咖啡灌腸 ...咖啡灌腸法能夠縮短糞便通過大腸的時間,同時也具有殺死部分棲息在大腸 尤其是左側部份﹝降結腸、乙狀結腸、直腸﹞會引起腐敗的效果。
  咖啡灌腸(Coffee Enema)的方法與一般灌腸大同小異,都能清腸、排宿便,不過使用的灌腸液是咖啡。早在兩千年前,歐洲的古書中已有咖啡灌腸的記載,而第一次世界大戰時,缺乏麻醉劑,咖啡灌腸因為有止痛的效果,曾被德軍在開刀時用來減輕病患的痛苦。後來德國有兩位醫學院的教授,以老鼠進行咖啡灌腸試驗,發現不僅能清腸、止痛,還有促進肝臟排毒的效果,進而奠定了咖啡灌腸的醫療背景。 


    除了加入接近人類體溫的溫水,建議還可以加入約0.5公克的海鹽或海洋深層水來平衡電解質,使灌腸液的電解質更接近人體,提高滲透力。   建議剛開始進行咖啡灌腸的人,第一次只要加入600的水即可,讓身體先行適應,之後逐次再增加到1000。 
4.咖啡中的酸會刺激肛門的皮膚,可能會使痔瘡惡化,或引起裂痔、脫肛、肛門炎等。因此在灌腸結束之後,建議將沾了肥皂的手指伸入肛門內約2~ 3,再以溫水清洗,擦拭乾淨後於肛門部位塗抹凡士林,以預防痔瘡的發生。   